Saturday, March 27, 2010

Another saturday post.

The ice caps are breaking up, the tundra has melted, the perma frost is thawing, and glaciers are receding. I'm not talking about global warming I'm talking about Deadmonton in spring.

So another Saturday post, it seems like nothing happens mid-week and I only feel like writing on the weekend. I had a nice day today chillen with Trish in the morning we showed the house to a potential buyer. Fingers crossed. Then I dropped T-bag off at the mall for work and me and T-dog cruised to the park. I almost had a perfect moment driving with the windows down wearing a Tshirt and shorts, Tak riding shotgun and Sublime came on the radio. The only thing missing was BC and everything in it. Oh well. Enjoy a million pics of Tako and me at the park.

If you read this in the next hour turn off your lights at 8:30 for earth hour.

Wet feet. Too early for crappy shoes. Too much slush and mud.

Shorts and tshirt, nice!

My pee. Vitamin B is good for you. hahaha enjoy that one.

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