Thursday, June 3, 2010

Holy Crap It's Been a While

So I guess I have been neglecting this blog, sorry, so what has happened lately? I guess we have been getting serious about the move. We still don't have our place sold or rented and we don't have a place to move to lined up and we don't have a date or a moving van lined up but we sure are serious about wanting to move.

Hmmm thats really all thats new, I made a little drift video a couple weeks ago.

And me Trish Tak and Christy went for a nice long walk and got lost in the woods for a bit. I took a picture that Im pretty happy with. It's not often I am happy with a picture.

Not too shabby, but it's a bit blurry. I'm gonna blame it on the lens I think. I wish I had money for new gear.
Well thats all for now.



  1. Good to hear from you again, Corby. Whew, All the pieces will start to fall into place soon for your much anticipated move. It will be good!!
