Thursday, December 17, 2009

not that cold.....for Edmonton

It wasn't that cold today! Only -4 sweet, so me and Tako went for a good long walk to shoot some video. I have been filming random stuff ever since I got the new camera, I don't have anything to shoot really but I just want to get outside and use this new camera. But yesterday I signed up for a few online stock video libraries that I can upload my footage to and they sell it. Sweet! Finally I can shoot random stuff and actually make use of it and maybe make a few bucks off it. So thats cool, I can't wait to get doing some shooting other than the dog park.

Anyway Tak was still pretty cold after our walk and had some snow beard happenin.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Corb -Glad its warming up a bit. And good to see you shooting lots and sharing on this Blog. I enjoy your updates.
    Thanks, Dad
